Addiction is a co-occurring disorder. For most of us, drugs and alcohol are the cheapest and most readily available solutions to our underlying mental health problems. We knew we needed help and we knew we needed something. However, though drugs and alcohol work marvelously well at first, they wear off. And when they wear off they leave us feeling worse, lost and disconnected.
Being sober during the process of treating our mental health is vital. However, treating addiction by itself as if it were the initiating factor does nothing more than create the revolving door that defines the modern substance abuse industry. For example, 10% of those who are treated find lasting recovery. On the other hand, the percentage of people who find lasting sobriety and do not attend a treatment facility is also 10%. Not encouraging numbers. Why? I think we know why. Treating substance abuse by itself is only treating the symptom of the real problem.
We regularly treat people who have over 90 days of sobriety at a traditional substance abuse facility. Unfortunately, they still have not managed to get the mental health care they so desperately need. And without this mental health focus, relapse is often inevitable, creating repeated failed substance abuse treatment episodes. This is the result of treating the symptom only.
- Supported Housing Placement
- Detoxification Placement Referrals
- Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Referrals
- Medical Placement Referrals
- Long term care
- Wraparound services