Crisis is Choice

Crisis is Choice

The Turning Point Within

Have you ever been in a situation faced with an important challenge that felt insurmountable by your usual methods of coping and problem-solving? Into every life flows crisis. Every breath rides on the brink of upheaval. Every human beat of a heart holds within it a turning point, a crossroads. A time, when the “old way” or the “comfortable way” or even maybe the “only way” we know, is threatened. Threatened and challenged and possibly found to be unusable. What once was our key to our future has become a useless artifact of a past once perfectly fitted.


The Many Forms of Crisis

They can take so many forms: You catch your husband cheating on you!  Maybe you have a week to live! Or you got fired!  Or you ran out of money! What you thought was true is not. What you thought was not, is. These are cataclysmic crisis situations. At these crossroads, we must make a choice. Continue to use old ways and methods that are no longer working? Or, I shudder to speak it, change…our…ways. Ouch, no thanks. Most times I would rather blame outside forces who are conspiring against me than admit that I myself may need a course correction. The audacity of such a thought! Hubris will get you every damn time. To think that I myself may hold a key that is now rusted and no longer works? Despite my best attempts, it just won’t turn! These are sacred, life-altering times, these so-called incipient moments of crisis.

Wei and Ji

This week, we will crack open our moments of crisis. We will try to train ourselves to view these moments of collapse as opportunities to find new and encouraging paths we never saw before. We will use crisis to reveal new vistas and possibilities that never existed before. Most all know about the Chinese word for crisis and how some people say it means “danger” plus “opportunity”. Some disagree with this translation but I believe they are splitting hairs. Here are my 2 cents. Wei means “danger”. Ji means “a point of juncture”.

危 – wei

机 – ji

Danger is easy to grasp. It means something that is potentially harmful, risky, or not preferred.  Danger is mysterious and requires your full undivided attention if you wish to go unscathed.  A juncture is where two things join. The joining of things generally seems to be risky business. So much can go wrong…or go right. Any union can be challenging and fraught with difficulties. Try unifying anything and observe what happens. A juncture is a place where two different things come together. A seam. A moment of conception or connection. When two become one and that one is, at the same time, a product of what came before. Yet, at the same time, it is new and altogether itself!


A New Way of Thinking

What two things are coming together in the Chinese idea of crisis? That’s right, you and your new way of dealing with your life! You and a new way of thinking. A revised method of living. You loving your life again and in new ways never fathomed before. This is a crisis on a monumental level. Your old ways have admittedly failed. But not all of you has failed. Just certain ideas and behaviors have betrayed our true futures. Luckily, we can learn and apply new methods. It will be dangerous and difficult. However, if we “refuse to let a good crisis go to waste” as Winston Churchill quipped once, we will reap the inevitable boons. We may even learn, like an ancient master, to (dare I say?) welcome crisis. Welcoming crisis? Audacity! Yes. Believe this. Points of juncture are inherently dangerous. They are also inherently rewarding.


New Possibilities and New Terrains

Crisis is a blessing. It opens your mind up to new understandings and informs our body and soul about new possibilities and new terrains to explore. This week, let’s focus on ways of identifying crisis and ways to surmount crisis. What can we learn? Are we perpetuating maladaptive patterns? If so, what are they? What alternative patterns can we put forth and offer? How can we support someone who is in crisis? How can we contain personal crisis long enough for someone to feel safe enough to join in the fight toward a new understanding? What are other models of dealing with crisis?

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Hear From Those We've Impacted

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Barn Life is uniquely special. As someone who has had long stretches of sobriety with "traditional" communities and methods, Barn Life stepped in when I started struggling during the pandemic and said "traditional" methods failed to help.The staff here are exceptional. This is a truly subjective statement, but it is my honest opinion that the people from the owner (Hi Matt!) to EVERYONE else works there because they believe in the work and want to share the tools they found.Barn Life and their little sibling, Peer Mental Wellness were the launchpad from a shell of an existence to person with self-love/respect, and a life-mission of personal development.

Steven D.
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Best for someone looking for spiritual healing in addition to their mental health healing.

Luka P.
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Barn life is probably one of the most amazing facilities you could ever attend when it comes to mental illness. This was the first place that popped up when I was searching for help and I’m so thankful that it did. The environment is very therapeutic, the staff is awesome, and the group discussions and activities were so helpful in me understanding what I was experiencing. Do not hesitate to be a part of this place. It’s literally a game changer. I was only there for 6 weeks but I wished I stayed at least 6 months. Ever since returning home, I’ve been much happier and my perspective has changed dramatically. I’ve done things and participated in events at my college that I never thought I would be able to do. This place is truly amazing and I’m forever grateful that I found this place.

Ariana E.
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Through trial and error of trying to stay sober this program is definitely the most caring and supporting of them all if anyone needs help and is willing to help themselves I suggest barnlife they will for a fact give you the push you need and the tools to keep you going

Mason T.
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My daughter has been at Barn Life Recovery now for two months. It was my last resort to send her 9 hours away from me. She has been in drug and mental health rehabs in and out for two years. This was my last stitch effort to save my daughter and get her back to herself. Alyssa and I spoke multiple times before deciding. Their willingness to do everything for her and the different teams they have work with them is amazing. My daughter is happy again and clean and sober. She loves it there in their outpatient program. They restore your faith in humanity. They help restore someone who is broken in so many places to themselves. They have put the light back in my daughters eyes. They are committed to helping each person who truly wants the help. They assist in helping them get jobs and be responsible members of society. I recommend their program to anyone wanting to recover from drug, alcohol and mental health.Thank you to all the people at Barn Life who have made my daughter smile and bring the light back to her eyes. I am truly grateful.DawnaLee

DawnaLee W.
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I am alumni from Zen Recovery Path / a great place , and live a happy healthy life ever since / great peaceful place to recover // Namaste

Michael M.



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